Card text for Das Regeln Wir Schon!

Abstimmung wie bester = plus 2!
Vote like Most = plus 2!

Any player who votes like the player with the most points, gets 2 chips from the pool (except for the player with the most points).

Abstimmung wie letzter = minus 1!
Vote like Least = minus 1!

The player with the least points takes 1 chip from anyone who votes like him.

Abstimmung wie nachbar = plus 2!
Vote like Neighbor = Plus 2!

Any player who votes like his left-hand neighbor, gets 2 chips from the pool.

Bei ein-stimmigkeit kriegt letzter 3!
Unanimous Vote gets Least 3!

If a vote is unanimous, the player with the least points gets 3 chips from the pool.

Chips Zuruck!
Chips Back!

Before the next scoring round, all players put back into the pool all chips of the color of which they have the most. (This rule is not valid if a player has two chips of equal quantities).

Der beste verliert 10 Punkte!
The Best Loses 10 Points!

The player with the most points after the next Scoring Round, loses 10 points before the Prediction Round.

Der letzte gewinnt 20 Punkte!
The Least Gains 20 Points!

The player with the least points after the next Scoring Round, receives 20 points before the Prediction Round.

Der letzte kriegt stimmplattchen!
The Least Gets Voting Tiles!

The player with the least points gets all but one of the voting tiles from the player with the most points, after the next Prediction Round.

Die Minderheit kriegt 2!
The minority gets 2!

Any player who votes with the minority, gets 2 chips from the pool (Minority = with the unsuccessfully voting player).

Die gelben chips zahlen drei punkte
The yellow chips count three points.

Die gelben chips zahlen null punkte
The yellow chips count zero points.

Die gelben chips zahlen zwei punkte
The yellow chips count two points.

Die grunen chips zahlen drei punkte
The green chips count three points.

Die grunen chips zahlen null punkte
The green chips count zero points.

Die grunen chips zahlen zwei punkte
The green chips count two points.

Die lila chips zahlen drei punkte
The purple chips count three points.

Die lila chips zahlen null punkte
The purple chips count zero points.

Die lila chips zahlen zwei punkte
The purple chips count two points.

Die mehrheit kriegt 1!
The majority gets 1!

Any player who votes with the majority, gets 1 chip from the pool (Majority = with the successfully voting player).

Die weissen chips zahlen drei punkte
The white chips count three points.

Die weissen chips zahlen null punkte
The white chips count zero points.

Die weissen chips zahlen zwei punkte
The white chips count two points.

Dreifach + Bonus
Triple + Bonus

The points for all chips are added and multiplied by 3, and then the Bonus points are added.

Eigener platz: 15 punkte
Own place: 15 points

Any player who predicts correctly his position at the end of the Scoring Round, receives 15 points.

Eigener platz: position x 10
Own place: Position x 10

Any player who predicts correctly his position at the end of the Scoring Round, receives his position times 10 points. First place = 10 points, second place = 20 points and so on.

Eigener platz: position x 5
Own place: Position x 5

Any player who predicts correctly his position at the end of the Scoring Round receives his position times 5 points. First place = 5 points, second place = 10 points and so on.

Einfach + Bonus
Single + Bonus

The points for all chips are added, and then the Bonus points are added.

Fur einzelne Chips einer Farbe, erhalt man 10 Punkte Bonus
For single chips of a color, receive 10 bonus points.

Fur komplette Serien mit allen 4 Farben, erhalt man 5 Punkte Bonus pro Serie
For complete series of all 4 colors, receive one 5 point bonus per series.

Ja-stimmen = nein-stimmen!
Yes-votes = No-votes!

If a vote has the same number of Yes-tiles as No-tiles, then the player with the most points get 2 chips from the pool and the player with the least points gets 5.

Klopfen bringt 10 Punkte!
Knock Gets 10 Points!

Whoever first knocks during the next scoring round, gets 10 points. You must knock with the hand in which your voting tiles were held. The player with the least points takes 1 chip from anyone who knocks incorrectly.

Notierte Farbe x 5 + Bonus
Listed Color x 5 + Bonus

Each player lists one color after the Prediction Round. That player scores points only for chips of that color. The points for these chips are multiplied by 5, and then the Bonus points are added.

Produkt aus 2 Farben + Bonus
Product of 2 Colors + Bonus

Each player scores only the chips of 2 colors. The points for the chips of one color are multiplied with the points for the chips of another, and then the Bonus points are added.

Punktbeste/-Letzte: 10 Punkte Beide: 30 Punkte
Most Points/Least: 10 points Both: 30 points

Any player who correctly predicts who will have the most points at the end of the Scoring Round, receives 10 points. Likewise for correct predictions of the player with the least points, receive 10 points. If a player correctly predicts both, he receives 30 points.

Punktbester: 10 Punkte
Most Points: 10 points

Any player who correctly predicts the player who has the most points at the end of the Scoring Round gets 10 points.

Punkte x farbzahl + Bonus
Points x Number of Colors + Bonus

The points for all chips are added. The total is then multiplied by the number of colors that the player has, and then the Bonus points are added.

Serienpunkte x 3 + Bonus
Series Points x 3 + Bonus

Only the chips of a complete series are scored (complete series = 1 chip of each color). The total is multiplied by 3, and then the Bonus points are added.

Solo kriegt 5!
Solo gets 5!

Any player who votes differently than every other player, gets 5 chips from the pool.

Wer aufsteht, kriegt 1!
Whoever Stands Up Gets 1!

Any player who stands before playing his card, gets 1 chip from the pool.

Wer eine Chipsfarbe als einziger vorweisen kann, erhalt 30 Punkte Bonus
Anyone who is the only player with chips of a color, receives 30 bonus points.

Wer gleich abstimmt, kriegt 2!
Equal vote gets 2!

Any player who votes like the active player, gets 2 chips from the pool (except for the active player).

Wer klopft, kriegt 1!
Whoever Knocks, Gets 1!

Any player who knocks before playing his card, gets 1 chip from the pool.

Wer nur Chips von einer Farbe besitzt, erhalt 30 Punkte Bonus
Anyone who has only chips of a single color, receives 30 bonus points.

Wer redet, verliert 15 Punkte!
Whoever Speaks, Loses 15 Points!

Whoever first speaks during the next scoring round, loses 15 points before the Prediction Round.

Wer redet, zahlt 3!
Whoever Speaks Pays 3!

Any player who speaks during his turn (besides reading the card played aloud), puts 3 chips back into the pool.

Wer sitzenbleibt, zahlt 1!
Whoever Remains Seated, Pays 1!

The player with the least points takes 1 chip from any player who remains seated before playing their card.

Zusatzliches stimmplattchen bringt 1!
Additional voting tiles gets 1!

Any player who votes with more than one voting tiles, gets 1 chip from the pool.

Zweifach + Bonus
Double + Bonus

The points for all chips are added and multiplied by 2, and then the Bonus points are added.