Sumo Issue 5

Yup, it's late. Traditionally one rolls out the excuses for tardiness and I will prove no exception. There were two main factors, the first being major problems with a molar that has, as I write, caused me pain in some form for more than three months and continues to do so. Believe me, it has been tough to keep on the rails at times, let alone feel up to writing this issue. There are two current diagnoses, one will require surgery and the other is that it is all stress induced.

The latter may have merit as the other angle is that my company, like many others, is feeling the pinch of recession. I have thankfully avoided two rounds of redundancies and have in fact secured a promotion of sorts, but both these developments result in a substantial increase in my workload and undoubtedly more stress. Common complaints these days, and I claim no special case, but they affect my spare time and certainly my enthusiasm for Sumo nevertheless. At least I'm lucky enough to have a job. I'll see how it goes over the next few months but please assume that Sumo will appear when it can for the forseeable future. Any traders wishing to cancel the existing arrangements are welcome to request a sub without any hard feelings on my part. My apologies to the subbers - money back at your request.

Enough griping. It's an odd time for games. Many of the releases promised early in the year have failed to materialise, and those that have shown simply ain't been very good. In fact, a lot of the gaming highpoints fitted in between spells of painkillers and hot water bottles have been from old games (such as Yaquinto's Mythology and the surprising Great Khan Game) or ones of my own devising. On this point, the good news is that I have managed to get playtest kits together for a Grand Prix game (a joint venture with Mike Clifford, this) and a rugby game that seems to have some merit. We shall see how they go in playtesting.

I am more than pleased with the contributions this time from a variety of people, to whom many thanks. The letter column was looking a bit dead for a few weeks but gradually picked up to provide what you will find toward the back of this issue. However, I will stress again that contributions in the form of letters, articles and reviews are always welcome and they make the production and thus the frequency of Sumo a lot easier. Corny it may be, but this is your magazine as well as mine and feedback, even in the shape of a short note with a paragraph of comments, is what helps keep my enthusiasm going.

I receive, gratifyingly, many requests for back issues of Sumo. As of now, I have hardly any of issues 0-3 left in stock and these will need to be reprinted in small batches if demand continues. I will therefore have to charge £1 per issue (including post) to cover my costs from now on. Cheques payable to Mike Siggins as usual. Thanks.

Sumo's Karaoke Club is a quarterly or slower newsletter covering European games, sports games and any other games that take my fancy. It is the home of the English Language Rules Bank for translations of foreign rules. It also contains much reduced amounts of woffle on any subject that the editor and the readers find interesting. Letters, articles, reviews, adverts, subscriptions and games for sale lists are always welcome.

Sumo costs 50p per issue (unless I have to change printer next time) including postage to anywhere. Subscriptions are on the usual terms; that is, simply send me a cheque for a few quid (or cash at your risk) and I will send Sumo until the cash runs out. In the event of a fold, all remaining cash will be returned.

Mike Siggins 21/06/91

On to the review of Blackbeard.

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