Kuhhandel (2nd edition)

Published by ?.
Translation by Emanuel Soeding (esoeding@geomar.de).


EXEPTION: games of the first edition contain only 5 x 50-cards, but 25 x 10-cards. In addition they contain a blue card with a dove labeled "bonus 500" but no sparecard. Setup and scoring is slightly different for these games. Please look at the end of the rules for what's different.

The Goal

Aquire the animal cards with the highest value. Do this by bidding on animals during auctions or try to bluff your opponents during a Kuhhandel (horsetrading??). The player with the highest score at the end wins the game.


Shuffle the animalcards and place them in the tray, backside up. Sort the moneycards by value. Each player receives two 0-cards (to bluff), four 10-cards and one 50-card. Put the othe moneycards into the cardtray. They are used later. Someone beginns.

The Game

Each player takes his turn in clockwise order around the table. During his turn each player has two options:

1. Auction off the animal card on top of the stack


2. do a Kuhhandel (horsetrade??) with another player. This is only possible if two players have animals of the same kind, so there will be no horsetrades in the beginning.

The Auction

The player turns over the topmost card. All the players bid simultaneously on this card. Each next bid must be higher than the preceeding one. The player auctioning the card off calls out for example - 30 going first - 30 going second - gone for 30! The auctioning player may buy the animal for the highest bid. In this case he pays the money to thhe high bidder. If he doesn't want to do so, the high bidder pays the bid to the auctioning player.

During the game, there is no chance to exchange money and someone who buys a card will not receive any change. If you can't exactly pay the money you bid, you have to spend a higher moneycard. If someone bid more money than he has, he has to reveal all his moneycards and the auction is repeated without him.

If nobody wants to bid on an animal, the player auctioning off the card gets it for free.

Animal cards owned by a player (not in the pile to beauctioned off) are placed open so each player can see what his opponents own.

Kuhhandel (horse trade)

When two player own the same kind of animal, a player may make a horsetrade with the owner of the other card. If more than one player have the same animal, he may decide, with which one to trade. Of course a player may still auction of a card, instead of doing a horsetrade! The other player may not refuse to horsetrade with the challenging player.

For the horse trade, the challenging player simply places any number of money cards face down on the table. He may of course include 0-cards to bluff! The opposing player now has two choices:

a) accept the hidden offer, take the money and hand over the animal, the trade was about.

b) place a bid hinself by laying out money cards hidden. In this case both players exchange the cards and check the bid of the opponent.The player with the higher bid gets the opponents animal. Both players keep the money received from the opponent. If both bids were equal, the two players bid again in the same order. If they are equal again, the challenging player gets the challenged players animal for free.

If one player has only one of the animals they want to trade in a horsetrade, the trade is for one animal, even if the other player has two or three animals. If the player with the two or three animals looses the trade, he only has to hand over one of his animals. However, if both players have two animals of the kind being traded, the trade is for both of them, so whoever looses, has to hand over both of his animals. Of course, a player who has all four animals of a kind can't be challenged for that animal anymore, because noone else has one of that kind to challenge him.

The Donkey

Whenever the donkey is turned over for auction, the game is immediately interupted. The player whose turn it is, deals everybody additional money. One 50 money card at the first donkey, a 100 at the 2nd donkey, a 200 at the 3rd, and a 500 at the 4th donkey. When everybody got the new money, the donkey is auctioned off normally.

No more animals to auction off!

When there are no more animals to auction off, people have to make horsetrades if they can.

End of the Game

When there are no more horsetrades to be made and all animals are auctioned off, the game is over. The number on the cards shows the value of all the four cards together. Each player multiplies the sum of his animals value, with the number of different kinds he collected. Thats his overall score. The highest score wins the game. Note, that money isn't worth anything at the end.

Example for the score: You have collected: Pigs (650), Dogs (160) and Roosters (10). Sum up the animals values: 650 + 160 + 10 = 820 points. You collected three kinds of animals, so the score is multiplied with three: 820 x 3 = 2460 points which is the overall score!

Translators Note:

It is not mentioned in the later rules, but the 1st edition rules say, that bid 0-cards in a horsetrade are immediately returned after the players looked at the opponents bid!

Rule changes from the First Edition

If your game contains a blue card with a dove labeled "bonus 500" and only 5 x 50 cards but 25 x 10-cards, you have one of the games of the first edition of Kuhandel. There are a few changes in the rules:


Deal each player 5 x 10-cards instead of 4 x 10 and 1 x 50 at the beginning of the game.


The player who bid the most money on the anmals gets them, the other player gets the money back he bid, instead of just keeping what he got from the other player. The other way of horsetrading was mentioned as a variant.


Simply add up the scores for the animals. Multiplying with the number of kinds was mentioned as a variant.


The first player to have all animals of one of the following combinations: Rooster & Goose, Cat & Dog, Sheep & Goat gets the bonus-card, which is worth 500 points at the end.

The Game Cabinet - editor@gamecabinet.com - Ken Tidwell