Next: ESSEN 1994
Sumo Issue 20 - Winter, 1994
EDITORIAL: My thanks for all the good wishes, offers of help
and sighs of relief that Sumo was to continue. They are testament to the
fact that, as one of the letters said, in Sumo Mike has created something
quite remarkable, producing a format and an atmosphere in which it was
clear that, although he did most of the work, there was space and a welcome
for anyone who wanted to join in. That is still the case.
For me, the most gratifying comments were
those that said they hardly noticed the join. That was certainly the intention
and you will be pleased to find that you notice even less of a join this time,
as the man is back as the major contributor for this double issue. I didn't
set out to produce a double issue, and certainly don't intend that this should
become the norm, but Essen generated so much material that a double issue was
how things turned out. I hope you enjoy it.
I plan to have Sumo 22 with you by mid-April.
It will contain more from the treasure trove of variants that
Alan Moon sent me and, if people's intentions go according to plan,
several articles that I, for one, am looking forward to reading. Further
articles, reviews and letters are welcome, especially the letters, which I
have always seen as being the heart of the magazine.
Next: ESSEN 1994
Stuart Dagger